Element Name: Magnet Release
Components: Earth and Wind
How it is used: The user combines their Earth and wind element chakra into magnetic forces in order to control one magnetizable substance such as iron, gold and Magnetism. The user may only control one substance and must choose which they wish to control upon obtaining magnet release. All substances must be in dust form and the user can only manipulate their own substance since it is infused with their chakra. Controllable substances can be shaped into anything the user can imagine, within reason.
The user, upon obtaining the element has the ability to freely manipulate their given dust as long as they have the source to use.
The speed of the control is their chakra capacity stat, and a control range of 15 meters, all factors such as strength, defense, etc. are determined by the chakra capacity stat.
Magnestism can be used on Kunai and other such Metals thrown by the user to Magnetize the opponent to make non-Magnetized Metal's have a better chance of hitting them, the first person hit by a Magnetize'd Kunai gets a -1 to their reaction speed, and any additional person getting hit will receive -1 to their reaction speed. Does not lower the reaction time to anything else, only if a metal Object is being used against them they will feel it pulled towards them
Gathering Dust:In the same way Gaara breaks down materials in the ground to create more sand, a magnet release user can
do the same with various substances found in the earth.
This requires them to make a "Gathering Post", every 750 words gives you roughly a gallon sized container of
the selected material.
Requires a way to store it if you plan on keeping it, can be used in battle by using the same system, once the material is sent in the ground, you receive
the aforementioned amount after 750 words of not using the material aside from gathering.
Appearance: Requirements: Must first have Earth and Wind elements, Must claim on Limited claim list, Gold Dust 1 person, Iron Sand 3 People, Magnetism 1 person, Shukaku may access all three forms