Bloodline Name: Bako Release
Originating Clan: Annanuki
Appearance: Various manifestations.
History: The Annanuki were created with the Bako Release KKG, and as one of the first biological organisms, they are the most raw and powerful representations of it.
What it does: Bako Release - Bako release is the natural ability of the Annanuki, allowing them to manipulate and access bacteria in various ways and forms. It is said that the Annanuki were one of the first biological life forms to be created. Techniques must be made to show the full range of this bloodline.
Requirements: Must consult Eversoris.
P.S. Blaine allowed me to have this KKG though he said it will be under watch and will have to be ironed out as far as how specifically it can be used. That is why I did not go into major detail as I am not quite sure, and will have to make techniques and be approved thus.