Naruto Age of the Past
The Noob genin's first outing! (private) IxCAs2G
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The Noob genin's first outing! (private) IxCAs2G
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 The Noob genin's first outing! (private)

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Toshio Nara
Toshio Nara

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The Noob genin's first outing! (private) Empty
PostSubject: The Noob genin's first outing! (private)   The Noob genin's first outing! (private) EmptyThu Apr 30, 2015 11:42 pm

Urza, sorry, Toshio Nara was quite the nooby genin, having only recently graduated. He had struggled with his studies, in the ninja academy. This was not so much due to a lack of academic skill, as much as that he was not paying attention to class, the few times he showed up, for the most part, his head scrambling to figure out a way to get back his lost powers. Eventually he had given up, especially as this world contained little in the way of material for artificing, and he worked his behind off in the academy for a few days, getting a decent grade for the guys who had been showing up all through the year.

Now however, he was wandering around looking for someone to train with, as he found learning jutsu rather tedious. If he could find someone to train with it would make the time go by much quicker, since he would be able to think about other things at the same time. For now though he was content to wander through the streets of Kumogakure, a village famous for the lightning jutsu, its meat pies rather under-rated unfortunately.

He stopped, and sat down on a park bench, in something similar to a training ground, except that it had been spiced up a little with shops surrounding it. He began munching on the meat pie he had bought earlier, watching the crowd to see if anyone looked interesting, his Kumogakure ninja head band was tied around his right arm.

(ttl wc: 253)
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Enzeru The New Workaholic
Enzeru The New Workaholic

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Character Name: Enzeru Metsuki
Clan: Metsuki/CLN
Element: Lightning

The Noob genin's first outing! (private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Noob genin's first outing! (private)   The Noob genin's first outing! (private) EmptyFri May 01, 2015 2:55 pm

From the distance a male could be seen walking out from the direction of the hospital. He looked rather odd, or what could be seen on him looked rather odd. He wore a bright red colored hood which draped over his face which could not be seen what so ever, but his jacket which too was also red and connected to the hood was open, revealing his tattoos on his chest and upper neck. They were black and tribal like. He seemed to be a rather strange ninja, it wasn't regular for ninja to get tattoos unless they were Anbu. The male wore the standard Kumogakure ninja pants as well as the ninja pants. Instead of wearing a headband he have several dog tags connected to his pants one of which was the cloud village symbol. The male had his hands in his pockets. The male would just walk through the crowd of citizens like this.

The male would just sigh as he continued to walk, he would also look around. It seemed he was looking for something, who would know. Suddenly he would stop as he noticed a park. What was he thinking? He would start to walk towards the park area. He was up to something but what was it? The male would simply just find himself beneath the shadow of a tree. He would just look up, then sigh once more before sitting under it , then he laid down. Was this guy for real? He seriously just wanted to sleep under a tree? How lazy can this guy get? Though I do feel bad for the person who decides to wake him up, he does seem like a force to not mess with but who knows maybe looks are deceiving. Only one way to truly find out, eh?

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Toshio Nara
Toshio Nara

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The Noob genin's first outing! (private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Noob genin's first outing! (private)   The Noob genin's first outing! (private) EmptySat May 02, 2015 10:46 pm

Toshio Nara, aka Urza, finished his meat pie as he spotted a weird looking guy in the distance. Not having had his fill of strange people yet, he was curious to see if this guy was as mean as he looked. Of course, he was not about to go looking for trouble but…

He followed the other, who had a red jacket that displayed a tattoo covered chest, most unusual for this people. Urza had seen others bathing before, in the male section of the baths, but the majority had no tattoos. One he had seen in a private bath before, purely by accident, the first time he had entered the baths and taken a wrong turn. Fortunately the other had been genial but directed Toshio Nara to the public baths, though not before Urza had gotten a glimpse of some weird mark on his arm. It did not seem important so he did not ask though. The other guy with the tattoos had no head band, he instead had some dog tags or the like of similar size.

He was startled form his observations when the other appeared to be deciding to take a nap under a tree. What? This shattered so many stereotypes that Urza was stunned speechless where he stood, out of sight of the other on the ground. Eventually he plucked up the courage, and walked closer. The other looked to be sleeping. Toshio stood, about 10 feet away, silently looking at him. At this distance he could see that the dog tags had the Kumogakure cloud symbol on it, so that fellow was probably a fellow Kumogakure ninja. Most likely, a genin, since those tended to be prevalent in the highest numbers. He began wrestling with the thought of whether he had fully replaced Toshio Nara’s original soul, or perhaps it was merely suppressed. Perhaps he was just Toshio Nara’s soul with major impressions or influences, courtesy of Urza?

He was shaken from his reverie suddenly, it appeared the other lying on the ground was waking up. Looks could be deceiving but it seemed the other might be about to wake.

Toshio Nara strode forward, stopping a few feet away from the other, and crouched. “Are you also a genin of this village?” Hopefully by giving the other an easy question to start off with, he might become more amenable.

(ttl wc: 253+395=648)
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Enzeru The New Workaholic
Enzeru The New Workaholic

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Character Name: Enzeru Metsuki
Clan: Metsuki/CLN
Element: Lightning

The Noob genin's first outing! (private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Noob genin's first outing! (private)   The Noob genin's first outing! (private) EmptySun May 03, 2015 10:21 am

The male was sleeping rather pleasantly, not a worry in the world.  He was dreaming of many curious things, things such as lead many to wonder why he was so lazy.  These dreams were lovely dreams to him, it appeared to be him fighting his brother and winning the battle.  Odd, he hated to do all things ninja and enjoyed napping so why was he dreaming such a violent dream.  It was at this point no man or woman could possibly wake him up.  Then suddenly he felt as if someone was watching him, his dream would fade into darkness as the world around him became bright with light for a second all was blurry, then the next it cleared up relatively fast.  He would sigh as he now noticed he was awake, and like his suspicions, he was being watched.  The nerve a little boy watching a grown man sleep, that was weird in so many cases, but as of this point it really couldn't be helped.  The male would see the boy draw nearer then crouched but a few feet away from him before speaking. 'Are you also a genin of this village?'  

Was this really something of great importance?  He was simply napping and the rude staring woke him up all to find out if he was a genin?  Are you serious?  What a drag. . .He would sigh before sitting up and removing his red hood.  As he did so his bright blue eyes, brighter than any blue eyes would be shown.  His bright blonde hair overflowing and long also would be revealed with a tint of blue in them.  Again he would sigh as he lifted up his head to itch the back of his head to reveal his hands and wrists were wrapped up completely.  He would look at the one who was staring at him, his eyes would remain blue, this was a relief, last person who woke him up kinda saw his ugly side, but at this point he was rather calm, which was new and interesting to say the least.  Maybe he saw no threat, I mean he was a genin after all how harmful could he get.
 "Was it really that much of importance? Well since I am awake. . .What a drag. . .the answer is yes I am a genin. . ."

He would look at the boy, scoping him out. No trouble here but looks could be deceiving. He would simply sigh, behind him slung a wooden like katana which seemed like a piece of wood. Odd why was he carrying a wooden katana? What use was it? Interesting indeed. Only time could tell what the reason for the katana was. At this point the male would look at the boy, awaiting the response of the young boy.

{TWC:468+302=770+43[saved WC]=813}
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Toshio Nara
Toshio Nara

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Join date : 2015-02-22

The Noob genin's first outing! (private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Noob genin's first outing! (private)   The Noob genin's first outing! (private) EmptySun May 03, 2015 3:02 pm

A katana! A wooden Katana! “What’s that on your back? Did you make it? What about the tattoos, are they a clan trait?” The questions began to fly from Urza/Toshio’s lips like water from a sputtering man, or little boys from the scene of an explosion they had caused… not that Urza knew anything about those…

On another note, it appeared this fellow was the naturally lazy and lethargic type, he could not help wondering if the other had personality issues or perhaps he was just tired. The psyche, especially those of the humans, proved an interesting study, one that was difficult to understand even by the greatest of minds. “Long day today?” he inquired.

While he was standing there, he grabbed a stick off of the ground, and held it in one hand. It was time for some physical training during whatever talk the other might make. “Here goes nothing…!” he said. His hand swung down in an arc towards the tree branch. The tree branch was small and broke cleanly in two when he chopped it. His hand throbbed though, and he held it gingerly with the other hand. “Ok, that attempt did not go so well I guess.” He said. “My first time trying that, I’m afraid.” He added sheepishly. Well, it was time to try the other jutsu he had planned on learning – the one with which one could heal themselves of minor injuries.

He concentrated his chakra in his un-injured hand, while watching the other, curious to see how he reacted. After concentrating his chakra in his uninjured hand, he put his hand back over the one he had used to smack the tree branch with, sending the chakra into his injured hand, and attempting to stimulate his cell recovery.

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Enzeru The New Workaholic
Enzeru The New Workaholic

Posts : 253
Join date : 2015-04-25

Character sheet
Character Name: Enzeru Metsuki
Clan: Metsuki/CLN
Element: Lightning

The Noob genin's first outing! (private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Noob genin's first outing! (private)   The Noob genin's first outing! (private) EmptyMon May 04, 2015 11:20 am

The male would look at the boy, then he would sigh. He noticed his eyes fixated on the katana, great he would have to explain about it wouldn't he? 'What's that on your back? Did you make it? What about the tattoos, are they a clan trait?' This little brat didn't know when to shut up. The male would sigh before scratching the back of his head. "What a drag. . .it's my clan's sword Tenma-Hane, I did not make it. . .and no the tattoos are not a clan trait. . .I just. . .wanted them" He would sigh before he would sigh once more. He then looked at the boy again who was probably eying him from his lazyness, was he going to ask him yet another question? It really seemed like it. . .'Long day today?' Really. . .it has to be a long day to be lazy and sleep under the tree? Well hold on he did just get out of the hospital from a serious ass beating from his older brother. He would sigh before he shrugged his shoulders placing both his hands into his pockets. "I guess you could say that. . .what a drag. . ." The male would look at the boy picking up a stick off the ground. Odd, what is that boy doing? Suddenly he would look at the male before speaking. Was he going to try and hit him? 'Here goes nothing. . .!' Shit this little boy was gonna try to attack him! Suddenly he would watch the boy swing his hand down at an arch against a tree branch. What the hell was going on?

Suddenly. . .SNAP. . .the tree branch broke cleanly as he chopped it in half. The boy seemed in pain as he was holding it with a caring nature. 'Ok, that attempt did not go so well I guess' hmm was it his first time trying that? 'My first time trying that, I'm afraid' Yes I guess it was, he would watch the boy caring for his hands, suddenly chakra would form around his hand that cared for the wounded one. He would just look at the chakra, the male really was far too calm to react to this like any other male. Suddenly the chakra was concentrated into his non-wounded hand. Suddenly he placed his hand back over the wounded one sending chakra into his wounded one, as the chakra attempted to fix the wound. Well well the boy was clever. The male would shrug again before speaking.
"Was the point of that to show off. . .what a drag. . ."

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Toshio Nara
Toshio Nara

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The Noob genin's first outing! (private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Noob genin's first outing! (private)   The Noob genin's first outing! (private) EmptyTue May 05, 2015 12:01 am

“No, not really. I am trying to learn a lot of jutsu at once, so I figured I could practice some stuff even while during our discourse. I’m kind of new to all this so I am trying to catch up now. Don’t mind me this sec.” The boy’s slang trailed off as he grabbed another tree branch, and sliced it, this time getting a much better angle and hitting it with his hand in a better place. “Ok, that was better already, looks like I won’t have to use the medical technique for any new injuries. Not that the previous one finished or anything.”

The boy suddenly sat back down on the groung, cross legged. His uninjured hand covered the partially damaged hand again and began concentrating chakra over it. While he did this, the boy spoke again. “Say, you look pretty sturdy, and you are a genin too, I bet you are loads more experienced than I am. Want to spar? I am afraid I am not very proficient in the physical aspects of the ninja arts but that is something I am training to overcome at the moment.” As he spoke, Toshio/ Urza got to his feet, and adopted a fighting stance of sorts, after backing up to about 5 meters away from his opponent. His left arm was nearly straight and virtually horizontal, the elbow pointing to his left and his palm with open fingers facing the opponent. His right hand was clenched, and his right arm curled up by his side. His legs were both slightly bent, the feet facing towards his potential opponent. He carefully, watched the opponent, and suddenly said “You know, we could spar, or if you want, we could just chat and discuss jutsu.”

It began to dawn on him that perhaps the other might not like the sudden changes of topic but then again he seemed to be a little lethargic and a little exercise would not hurt him any Toshio/ Urza supposed. Then again, that was another thing. He needed to get this straight. He thought for a moment, and he returned the moment after a brief pause. He would be Toshio to all others, but Urza to himself. Almost like having a middle name that one referred to themselves by and did not mention to any one else. It would take some practice but he was sure he could manage this.

He also had to consider how to improve the medical technique he felt he had acquired with reasonable speed. There was a jutsu someone else had mentioned to him called the Chakra Scalpel, but that required some time to concentrate, at first, and a wound to try and heal.

(ttl wc: 943+452=1395)
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Enzeru The New Workaholic
Enzeru The New Workaholic

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Join date : 2015-04-25

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Character Name: Enzeru Metsuki
Clan: Metsuki/CLN
Element: Lightning

The Noob genin's first outing! (private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Noob genin's first outing! (private)   The Noob genin's first outing! (private) EmptyTue May 19, 2015 2:54 am

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Toshio Nara
Toshio Nara

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The Noob genin's first outing! (private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Noob genin's first outing! (private)   The Noob genin's first outing! (private) EmptyTue May 19, 2015 2:56 pm


thanks! I will probably add on a bit more here and then claim it if that is all right with you guys! Very Happy
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Toshio Nara
Toshio Nara

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The Noob genin's first outing! (private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Noob genin's first outing! (private)   The Noob genin's first outing! (private) EmptyTue May 26, 2015 11:11 pm

Urza noticed the other seemed to have lost interest. In fact, before he knew it, the other boy had disappeared altogether.Well, no matter. He seemed to have gotten a little beyond the confines of the E rank medical jutsu he had been learning, in fact, his hand had required something more along the lines of the D rank “Heal Minor Wounds” jutsu, rather aptly named.

It was getting late, he was afraid. He dusted himself off and wandered off eager to have a snack.



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